Virtual Exhibitor System

A Product Managers Perspective:

Today marked the largest feature release of my product management career!

Launch from the vantage point of a product manager is chaotic to say the least. There are many variables at play. If I had to describe the feeling, I would compare it to my first solo skydive. You prepare for hours, train to minimize bad outcomes, and then jump. The launch is like the rush associated with falling towards the earth at 120 mph. The biggest difference (Other than the whole life or death scenario) is that product launches are a team effort.


Today reminded me of the privilege that I have within my role. I get to see a perspective of a launch that most people will never experience. The excitement of various departments collaborating towards one common goal paired with the anticipation of the feature hitting the market! There is nothing else like it!


We assist associations with event management software and production services. Our clients make revenue via events. Covid-19 forced events online. As a result exhibition sales (a large contributor to event revenue) decreased across the industry. The online exhibit experience needed to be reworked, and quick!



Goal: Increase booth traffic, increase qualified leads and boost conversions.


Term: 18 Months to launch.

Departments Involved: Development, QA, Design, Product, IT, Sales, Marketing Senior Management.

-Project Process: 280 Group Optimal Product Process.

-Conception: Hundreds of conversations with online exhibitors and associations isolating their true problems, needs, and wants.User focus groups, competitive analysis, and industry research.

-Planning: Design User flows, UX/UI updates, wireframing concepts, documentation, and feature prioritization lists. Data Analysis, revenue projections.

-Development: Project management, vision casting, empathy, and passion.

-Qualifying: Test Scenarios, User Alpha Testing.

-Launch: Sales Documentation, Training materials, Presentation Materials.




Thank you all for your involvement in the project: Brandon Wirz James Newman, James Parker, Brian Zambotti, Amber Grekalski, MA, Nicholas Hagen, Mark Randall,Patrick Sweeney, Nicholas Walker.


Special Thanks to: Melissa Ramon, Dylan Dirlam, Kristen Somers, Anisha Lalwani